Mason von Melle
Mason von Melle is a gorgeous 11-12 month old German Shepherd. Mason is a full-on sweetheart with a penchant for ear scratches. If this were a multiple choice question, he would truly check all the boxes: all-around good boy, great among other dogs and fantastic with his humans. A gentle dog, he enjoys being close to you and seeks reassurance. Mason is comfortable with other dogs, mingling and introducing himself nicely whether he’s on or off the leash, but he usually finds his way back to his humans quickly, as they’re the only ones who can give him ear scratches, after all. He has even passed his initial cat testing. He has moderate energy levels, making him adaptable to most situations, and he knows his “sit” command too. We could go on all day about Mason, but we encourage you to come see for yourself at one of our adoption days or events. We know you’ll be smitten the second you meet him! Rescued from the East Valley animal shelter. Weight: 71 lbs |
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