Vinny von Verden
Vinny von Verden is a 1-2 year old, 100% German Shepherd with a calm demeanor and a heart full of love. This intelligent and confident pup enjoys extended walks and is a perfect gentleman on a leash. When he's ready for a break, he'll lean into you for some well-deserved pets and affection. Initially shy around new people, Vinny quickly warms up and shows his friendly side. He gets along well with all dogs, both large and small, seeing each one as a potential playmate. He knows his basic commands: Come, Leave It, Sit, Down, Wait, Stay, and Heal, although he's still perfecting them. He has even passed his Swim Qualification! He is crate trained and could benefit from the companionship of an older dog to help him learn the finer points of being a dog. He loves car rides and has a Found by Good Sam and brought to us. Weight: 70 lbs |
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